Home Retrofit
The UK has one of the oldest and leakiest housing stocks in western Europe, possibly in the world. Yet 80% of homes that are lived in today will still be inhabited in 2050. Without urgent, nationwide action, our buildings will continue to waste precious, and increasingly expensive, heat as it leaks out of every uninsulated wall, roof and door.
What is retrofit?
Home retrofit is the upgrading of homes across the UK to increase their energy efficiency and reduce or remove their reliance on fossil fuels for heating.
In practice, this includes:
- Insulating homes: which can include a range of technologies and techniques such as roof insulation, cavity wall insulation, floor insulation, external insulation and high performance glazing.
- Replacing gas with electric: removing a traditional gas boiler and replacing it with in a heat pump to heat the home. In addition, solar panels and a battery can be added to a home so that it produces its own on-site renewable energy.
- Reduction of energy use: through technology such as smart sockets and heat recovery systems to prevent wasted energy.
Retrofit can also include measures to improve the climate resilience of a home, such as the installation of external shutters and ventilation systems.

Why retrofit?
Our homes and the need for retrofit in the UK
UKGBC’s Net Zero Whole Life Carbon Roadmap shows that homes are responsible for the largest share of emissions from the built environment. Tackling these emissions is mission-critical to delivering on the UK’s net zero commitment.
The challenge is considerable. With just under two-thirds of the nation’s homes rated an EPC rating ‘D’ or below, we have a sizable housing stock that is wasting precious energy on a daily basis. Around 85% of the nation’s homes are heated by gas, and the price of which continues to rise as the energy and cost of living crises continue, making our inefficient homes an environmental, social and economic challenge. Additionally, common illnesses caused by cold homes in the winter currently costs the NHS about £1.4 billion every year.
Both issues can be tackled by an ambitious nationwide retrofit programme designed to improve insulation and energy efficiency. We want to see this starting with the 19 million homes rated EPC ‘D’ or below. Upgrading these homes to a grade ‘C’ would reduce gas demand by 20% alone.

When it comes to social benefits, recent reports show that a nationwide retrofit effort could deliver on average a £779 reduction in a household’s annual energy bill. UKGBC’s Roadmap indicates this programme would create at least 500,000 high skilled jobs across the country and prevent 6,000 avoidable deaths each year, due to increased thermal comfort.
But it’s not just the cold we need to protect our homes from. As we increasingly face the adverse impacts of climate change-influenced weather events, our homes must be retrofitted to adapt to heatwaves, flooding and water shortages. Retrofitting is essential for our buildings and communities to have a sustainable future.

What’s UKGBC’s approach and how do we look to accelerate home retrofit?
UKGBC is calling for a national government strategy to upgrade 19 million homes in a decade, and nearly all of the UK’s 29 million homes by 2050.
Since publishing our first retrofit resource in 2008, we have strongly championed domestic retrofit as a national priority through advocacy for national policy change, creating and publishing guidance for local authorities and industry, and convening local and combined authorities and industry to share best practice and expertise.

We believe in accelerating home retrofit through three main avenues:
UKGBC gives evidence on retrofit

Retrofit: Operational energy in the spotlight

Regenerative Places: Empowering communities to improve homes and neighbourhoods for the benefit of people and planet.

Impactful offsetting: Using carbon credits to fund social housing retrofit

Events & Learning Opportunities
UKGBC at Futurebuild 2025

UKGBC Sustainability Essentials for the Built Environment email course

Site Visit to Coal House, Cardiff

Innovation Showcase – Energy Use Optimisation

All Retrofit Resources
Trends in Sustainable Solutions for the Built Environment – Reflecting on 2024

UKGBC responds to changes in retrofit schemes

Intelligent building vibration reduction system

Facilitating Retrofit: a comprehensive sectoral analysis

Commercial Retrofit: Scottish Policy and Practice

Bitesize Learning

Letter to the new Prime Minister

Smart fused spurs to reduce device energy use

Magnetic radiator heat saver

Online platform to support homeowners with retrofit improvements

Policy Platform: Building Britain’s Future

Local Area Retrofit Accelerator ‘Getting Started Toolkit’