Task Group
What is a Task Group?
All UKGBC resources are co-created with industry task groups, where experts from across the value chain collaborate together through discussion, research and knowledge sharing. These task groups are an exciting opportunity for members to help guide and input into guidance that will shape industry conversation and actions.
These task groups normally meet monthly, with a mix of online and in person sessions. The task group members are involved as early on in the process of a project as possible and work closely with one another and the UKGBC project team.

Future opportunity
Solutions & Innovation Advisory Scheme
The built environment sector must rapidly tackle the climate and ecological crises and associated social…
Ongoing Task Group

Past task group
Supply Chain Decarbonisation Task Group
The built environment is responsible for 25% of the UK’s greenhouse gas emissions and to…
7 Nov, 2024

Past task group
Net Zero Carbon Buildings: A Framework Definition 2024 update – Task Group
In 2019, UKGBC’s Advancing Net Zero programme released its Net Zero Carbon Buildings: A Framework…
13 Sep, 2024

Past task group
Framework for a Nature-Positive Built Environment Task Group
Join the UKGBC team and a group of industry experts as we shape a framework for understanding what it means for the built environment to be nature positive.
12 Jun, 2024

Past task group
General Election Task Force
UKGBC is convening a cross-industry task force for a new General Election campaign, supporting us in advocating for sustainable policies in the general election and beyond. Learn more about how you can apply to be involved.
23 May, 2024

Past task group
Non-Domestic Retrofit: Retail and Logistics project Task Group
UKGBC is convening a cross-industry task group for a new project on non-domestic retrofit as part of our industry-leading Advancing Net Zero Programme. Learn more about how you can apply to be involved.
8 Mar, 2024

Past task group
Task group members for the Climate Resilience Roadmap
This is a critical time for climate action. In the most recent assessment of risks…
18 Oct, 2023

6 results found
Showing page 1 of 1
Learn more about past Task Groups
UKGBC announces new Task Group on renewable energy procurement
The UK Green Building Council (UKGBC) has today announced a team of cross-industry experts who will support delivery of new guidance on renewable energy procurement.
13 Oct, 2022

UKGBC assembles expert team to accelerate action on commercial retrofit
The UK Green Building Council (UKGBC) has announced a team of cross-industry experts who will…
8 Feb, 2023

UKGBC announces new Embodied Ecological Impacts Task Group
In our current climate and ecological crises our industry is getting more comfortable with measuring…
16 Mar, 2023

UKGBC announce new System Enablers for a Circular Economy Task Group
UKGBC is pleased to share the task group for the ongoing System Enablers for a Circular Economy project, convened from across the UKGBC membership.
21 Jul, 2022