At UKGBC, our ethics are guided by our vision “to dramatically improve the sustainability of the built environment by radically improving the way it is planned, designed, constructed, maintained, renewed and operated” and our charitable objectives.  We have a strong sense of responsibility to people and planet, and in line with that responsibility, we maintain the highest ethical standards.    


This policy sets out UKGBC’s guiding ethical principles, and how these translate into a framework of behaviour to which we hold ourselves, and our members and partners accountable.  

Ethical Pillars 

UKGBC is committed to the following ethical pillars, and we expect all our key stakeholders to include these as part of upholding their own ethical principles, in conducting their business. 

Integrity and Honesty  

We are truthful.  We avoid placing ourselves under any obligation to people or organisations that might try to improperly influence our work. We declare and resolve any conflicts of interests, financial or otherwise.  We treat our people with honesty and fairness. 

Accountability and Openness 

We hold ourselves accountable to our stakeholders (members, collaborators, and others) for our decisions and actions and submit ourselves to scrutiny to ensure this.  We act and take decisions in an open and transparent manner based on information that we share willingly, subject to safeguarding essential confidentiality.   Our systems and procedures are under regular review to confirm that they remain relevant and proportionate. 

Leadership and Purpose 

We lead by example exhibiting ethical principles in our behaviour and treating others with respect.  We implement best practice and raise awareness of the ethical standards we require of our people and wish to see in our industry.   


The Ethics Policy (pdf version) is linked at the bottom of this page. It is communicated as follows to specific Stakeholder Groups each of whom is expected to align with it. 

UKGBC Staff: By incorporation into the Employee Handbook with any breach potentially resulting in disciplinary procedure.  

UKGBC Consultants: By reference in consultancy contracts. 

Members: By Incorporation into Membership Terms & Conditions. Members are also required to comply with the Membership Requirements 

Trustees: By raising awareness prior to appointment and again during induction. Declaration of Interests forms to include reference to the Policy. 

Suppliers: By raising awareness and by inclusion in UKGBC’s Procurement Policy and / or tender requirements (as appropriate). 

Funders and Partners: By raising awareness at the start of any relationship. 

The Risk and Audit Committee of the UKGBC Board of Trustees will review all cases of noncompliance brought to our attention and consider the appropriate remedial action.   

Anybody who is aware of a case of noncompliance can bring this to the attention of the Chair of the Risk and Audit Committee. 

Systems, guidance and governance procedures will be maintained and regularly reviewed to support this aim.  

Last updated 19th March 2024 

Download our Ethics Policy