About this event 

Join us also to enjoy conversations and networking across the UKGBC Alumni and programmes (Future Leaders, Change Accelerator, Recalibrate, Systems Change).

We will kick off this event with a talk and workshop exploring the change we need to see and what’s stopping us. This workshop will offer a fantastic opportunity for all to share our stories and hope to bring everyone together to continue motivation and inspiration on your respective learning journeys.

Who should attend

This is a free event and is exclusive to alumni from UKGBC leadership and system change programmes.

Why attend

Join us for an evening of collaboration to connect alumni from across the years who continue to act as transformational change makers in the industry.

Special thanks to Troup Bywaters + Anders LLP, our Strategic Leadership Partners for hosting us at 30ES.

Our leadership work is possible thanks to our strategic leadership partners.

UKGBC cancellation and refund policy

Please see our website for more details on our cancellations and refunds.

Event details



Organisation contact


