New Homes Policy Playbook
The component parts of the Playbook are designed to help enable cities and local authorities drive up the sustainability of new homes.
UKGBC has produced a second, significantly updated version of a resource pack designed to help local authorities drive up the sustainability of new homes. The Playbook is intended as a hands-on resource, designed to be used and adapted to support the ‘day job’ of officers with responsibilities for sustainability and planning within local authorities.
The core content of this Playbook focuses on reducing energy demand and carbon emissions, mitigating overheating risk, the cross-cutting issue of assuring performance and the role of acoustics at the scale of the individual property. Each section includes recommendations about the requirements we believe local authorities should introduce to drive sustainable new homes in their area, all of which go beyond what is required by national policy. Each section is also accompanied with a set of policy examples already set by local authorities.
Alongside this playbook, UKGBC has also launched an interactive policy map, displaying leading examples of new build policy from local and combined authorities across the UK. The map can be accessed here.