Key Sustainability Objectives/outcomes
- Embedded a tailored Social Value Plan, integrating principles of The Wellbeing of Future Generations Act 2015 to create long-lasting, positive change within the local community. The plan identified local challenges/priorities and integrated social value activities within the delivery to maximise value including 4 new employment opportunities, 51 STEM engagements, a 100% Welsh labour force and 83% Welsh sub-contractors.
- Project Bank Account, enabling all supply-chain partners to be paid from a single pot without payments having to cascade through different tiers.
- Biodiversity across the site will be significantly enhanced with wildflower meadows, raised planters, native species of flora/fauna and a Sustainable Drainage System (SuDS).
- Optimised standardised model to achieve NZC, maximising renewables and energy efficient technology e.g. ASHP’s meet hot water/heating requirements.
- Third party verification by K2N (client lead) and by ClearLead Consulting (ISG lead) to ensure that operational targets are predicted, which will be reported to the Welsh Government for 5 years.
Notable Approaches/solutions
The approach to achieving a net zero carbon building for operational energy was based on UKGBC’s Net Zero Carbon Buildings Framework Definition:
- Reduce operational energy use: Building fabric at Llancarfan was improved, as well as catering equipment, plugged in equipment and low carbon heating. The Performing Places System will also monitor operational parameters and maintenance effectiveness.
- Increase renewable energy sources: PV installation on roofs was maximised (82kWp).
- Zero carbon balance: VoG’s aspiration is to achieve net zero carbon – operational on-site without the use of offsite renewables such as power purchase agreements (PPA’s) or carbon offsets.
Measurement and verification: annual energy use and renewable energy generation onsite must be reported and independently verified in-use each year for the first five years to the Welsh Government as a pilot scheme. At Llancarfan, operational energy performance is evaluated to verify net zero carbon and determine energy breakdown for future evaluation
Lessons Learnt
By openly sharing data, the Net-Zero Carbon Journey report has been presented to the Welsh Government Cross Department Group and shared with Constructing Excellence Wales to establish best practice.
Post completion, in-use data will continue to be shared in an open and transparent manner through annual reports and post occupancy surveys.
- Organisational culture: Developed and shared tailored teaching resource, curriculum aligned, enhancing education.
- High design quality: Published/shared detailed specification advocating NZC in future projects, transferring lessons learnt, driving continuous improvement within construction and cross-sector and supporting the Low Carbon Plan.
- Used OneClick LCA: Modelling design and determining embodied carbon for development, providing real-time data, making efficient whole life decisions on material use.
- Tackling the climate emergency: A pathfinder scheme developed through industry collaboration, with transferability of lessons learnt to educate and influence the infrastructure of the future, protecting the environment and achieving Welsh Government initiative targets.
- NZC achievement commences from design throughout building lifecycle; it is important to engage and educate building users throughout the project lifecycle to optimise operational building performance. This is achieved through a tailored Soft Landings Strategy, including site tours to support familiarisation and video training, to ensure knowledge is retained to optimise building performance throughout its operational lifecycle.

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