Project Overview

This case study is featured in UKGBC’s report, A Guide for Delivering Social Value on Built Environment Projects.

Langarth Garden Village will provide a new, sustainable community for between 8,000 and 10,000 residents in Cornwall. Langarth will provide a mix of housing sizes, types, and tenures to meet local need. It will also include new schools, health, cultural, faith, leisure, and community facilities. Pedestrian and cycle links into Threemilestone and the surrounding communities will be created and enhanced, with new areas of forest, parks, parks, public sport areas and green amenity spaces. Innovative and flexible workspaces will also be provided. Over thirty organisations fed into the planning design work, fifteen of which are from Cornwall and contributed local knowledge and expertise. Arcadis leads the Portfolio Management Office (PMO) that oversees the management of all the programmes which feed into delivery of Langarth Garden Village including social infrastructure (led by Arcadis), integrated transport (led by Cornwall Council/Cormac) and technical infrastructure (led by Arcadis). The masterplan was developed by AHR with close support from Atlantic Arc Planning.

What makes the project interesting?

  • The project is aiming to create a community that is connected to the local area, whilst maintaining a proper village centre. Each centre hopes to attract local businesses that will be accessible to residents by walking or cycling.
  • There will be a community farm, allotments, edible streets, and several mobility hubs which will all contribute towards a sense of community.
  • The scheme will improve walking and cycling networks into Truro which will have a major benefit for Cornwall and encourage more people to choose to walk and cycle their commutes.
  • A new stewardship model will enable local ownership of the new community and allow the benefits of Langarth to be realised into the future.
  • There is a huge apprenticeship focus with apprentices working at the heart of the scheme providing career opportunities for those wanting to live and work in Cornwall.

Future considerations: 

Langarth Garden Village obtained planning approval in December 2021 with no objections.

Approaches Used

Agree social value purpose

  • Cornwall Council have a strong social value purpose and as a result, social value has been at the heart of the plans for the Langarth Village site from the beginning.

Identify priority stakeholder

  • A Langarth Stakeholder panel with representatives from a priority stakeholder groups. The stakeholder panel met once a month during the development of the masterplan.

Understand stakeholder needs and Agree social value outcomes

  • 10 design principles were agreed based on suggestions from the Langarth Stakeholder Panel.
  • These design principles were then incorporated into the masterplan.

Key Sustainability Objectives/ Outcomes

Ten design principles have been agreed by Cornwall Council and the Masterplanning project team at Arcadis:

  • Work with and enhance the quality of life for existing communities.
  • Make it easy and possible to get around on foot, bike, and public transport, both within Langarth Garden Village and the surrounding communities.
  • Help instil a strong sense of community.
  • Create a place that builds upon and celebrates this unique environment.
  • Create a hard-working landscape that not just looks beautiful but is productive and functional.
  • Promote healthy and active lifestyles and a sense of wellbeing.
  • Design for climate change resilience.
  • Offer a mix of homes meeting the varying needs of residents.
  • Create jobs and enhancing existing employment opportunities.

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