Langarth Garden Village
The social value delivery approach for development project in Langarth, Cornwall.
Approaches Used
Agree social value purpose
- Cornwall Council have a strong social value purpose and as a result, social value has been at the heart of the plans for the Langarth Village site from the beginning.
Identify priority stakeholder
- A Langarth Stakeholder panel with representatives from a priority stakeholder groups. The stakeholder panel met once a month during the development of the masterplan.
Understand stakeholder needs and Agree social value outcomes
- 10 design principles were agreed based on suggestions from the Langarth Stakeholder Panel.
- These design principles were then incorporated into the masterplan.
Key Sustainability Objectives/ Outcomes
Ten design principles have been agreed by Cornwall Council and the Masterplanning project team at Arcadis:
- Work with and enhance the quality of life for existing communities.
- Make it easy and possible to get around on foot, bike, and public transport, both within Langarth Garden Village and the surrounding communities.
- Help instil a strong sense of community.
- Create a place that builds upon and celebrates this unique environment.
- Create a hard-working landscape that not just looks beautiful but is productive and functional.
- Promote healthy and active lifestyles and a sense of wellbeing.
- Design for climate change resilience.
- Offer a mix of homes meeting the varying needs of residents.
- Create jobs and enhancing existing employment opportunities.
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