This report focuses on the wider business case for sustainability. Rather than just a simple calculation for the return on investment for a particular sustainability initiative, such as an LED lighting upgrade, the report explores the challenges that businesses face in trying to identify the value they derive from their sustainability initiatives.

New industry research suggests that the impact of sustainable business activities go far beyond cost savings and can affect the financial valuation of the business. Quantifying value depends on identifying the relevant value drivers within a business. Suggestions of what value drivers are relevant for built environment businesses are outlined, along with appropriate metrics for organisations to capture the value that integrated sustainable business practices can deliver to an organisation.

The report was launched in January 2018 with a live panel discussion between:

  • Claudine Blamey, Head of Sustainability and Stewardship, The Crown Estate
  • James Gregory, CFO, JLL
  • David Partridge, Managing Director, Argent
  • Karl Whiteman, Executive Director of Berkeley Group Ltd.
  • Alastair Mant, Head of Industry Engagement, UKGBC

For further information contact Alastair Mant

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