Simon McWhirter, Deputy Chief Executive, said:

For those of us working toward a net zero and climate resilient built environment last week felt brutal, with successive weakening of climate-related policy and an end-of-week summary dissolution of the government’s own industry-led Energy Efficiency Taskforce. The latter was particularly disappointing as the Taskforce – on which I sat for months – was making serious strides to inform how we can dramatically reduce the energy use across our buildings and industry, saving not just carbon, but unnecessary energy costs for British householders and businesses in these challenging times. 

In what felt like early electoral manoeuvring, we saw what seemed to be an abandonment of green aspiration in favour of shoring up votes. This is causing untold damage to householder and British business confidence in green tech, industry and markets, and the in-pocket and on-business impacts will reverberate. 

Ambition, clarity and certainty is what we need from government on this agenda, and we hope to see this clearly in policy behaviour and party manifestoes in the months to come. 
