This is one of two workshops, the second looking at Scaling Digital Platforms will take place on 9th Oct, please book separately.

About this event 

In this workshop we will focus on Scaling Physical Products and Materials and the barriers start-ups are facing in relation to scaling up their solutions and create a space for knowledge sharing and discussion on how these might be overcome.

UKGBC will then use feedback from the workshops to inform our Solutions & Innovation and Supply Chain Decarbonisation workstreams to try and unlock some of these barriers.

UKGBC has an expanding community of Innovative Start-Up Members, who we bring together through this Forum on a quarterly basis.  These start-ups all have impactful sustainability solutions which, if scaled across the industry would significantly contribute to the creation of a more sustainable built environment.

  • Innovative Start-Up Forum: Workshop 1 -Scaling products and materials
  • Innovative Start-Up Forum: Workshop 2 -Scaling Digital platforms

Who is it for? 

UKGBC’s Innovative Start-Ups and innovators within UKGBC’s wider membership.

Why attend?  

To meet and learn from other innovators in the industry and share your experience of trying to scale.  

Event details



Organisation contact





Open to

Keystone Member
