UKGBC is launching its third series of Collaboration Café events in response to member requests for more opportunities for open knowledge sharing and collaboration. This time, the Cafes will focus on Nature Positivity within the industry, supporting its capacity to contribute constructively during this period of multiple crises. 

UKGBC is running three cafes to discuss what nature positive means for the built environment and what role we can all play.  

About the series

We’re running three events spread across a year. All will be hosted in London.   

28th May (15:00 – 17:00) – How does Nature positive looks like? what is nature positive in the built environment?  

18th Sep (15:00 – 17:00) – How to get there: Defining guidelines and actions  

6th Feb (15:00 – 17:00) – Key steps: discussing what industry recommendations would be needed  

Delegates are welcome to attend all or some of the sessions.  

Why are we focusing on nature positive for the built environment? 

In recent years, the term nature positive has emerged as a buzzword across various sectors, capturing the imagination of those committed to sustainability and ecological harmony. Yet, despite its growing popularity, a clear and actionable definition within the context of the built environment remains elusive. This concept, which encapsulates the ambition to not only minimize harm to nature but to actively enhance it, presents a revolutionary approach to how we design, construct, and inhabit our spaces. As the urgency for environmental stewardship intensifies, the need to crystallize what being ‘nature positive’ truly means in urban development and architecture is more pressing than ever. 

This Collaboration Café series aims to bridge this gap by convening industry leaders, innovators, and community stakeholders to collaboratively explore and co-define the essence of a nature positive built environment.  

By embracing this collective journey of discovery, we not only seek to begin to understand the profound implications of integrating nature into our urban landscapes but to propose actionable strategies that embody this principle at its core.  

Join us in this pivotal exploration to shape a sustainable future where our built environments thrive in deep symbiosis with the natural world, fostering biodiversity, resilience, and well-being for all. 

The nature positive Collaboration Café’s will:

  • Convene industry leaders from multiple subsectors and enhance networking  
  • Gather insights for the creation of a Nature Positive Framework for the built environment  
  • Provide a space for honest knowledge-sharing, peer-learning and  
  • Provide an opportunity for involvement in this pioneering work with other leading companies 

Expect insightful and empowering conversation and new contacts gained. 

About the sessions:

Collab Café -28 May 2024: Focused on the basics, ‘what is Nature Positive’, and what does it look like in the Built Environment industry, will be the focus of the discussion at this first collaboration cafe event. This is the starting point and goal setting to a Nature Positive framework.

Collab Café- 18 September 2024: Having defined how Nature Positive looks like from the previous event, this event will focus on the actions, needs and guidelines to get there. Expect to hear a diversity of ideas and examples.

Collab Café 6 February 2025: With best Built Environment Nature Positive practices in mind, what do we expect the pathway would be? In this event we will focus on what would be the best recommendation from multistakeholder to working aligned with Nature Positive.

Who should attend?

These Collaboration Cafes are for sustainability professionals in construction, design and consultancy roles.

They are designed to cater to a broad spectrum of participants, from individuals with no prior knowledge who possess a keen interest in nature or advocate for it, to those actively engaged in supporting nature within the built environment. 

The events are free to UKGBC members, but charged for non-members. 

Café hosts

Each Café will be hosted by UKGBC staff: Dr Macarena Cárdenas (Senior Advisor, Resilience and Nature), and Kai Liebetanz (Head of Nature)


Member places are free 

Non-member tickets are £80 +VAT (per session) 

If you’re unsure if your organisation is a member, please check our Membership Directory.   

UKGBC cancellation and refund policy 

Please see our website for more details on our cancellations and refunds: 

Resilience & Nature Programme Partners

With thanks to our programme partners who make our work on nature possible.

Event details




Starting at £80

Open to

All are welcome.
