A problem shared is a problem halved - UKGBC's Collaboration Cafés
What have our members achieved so far?
Insights collated from the Collaboration Cafés paint an inspiring picture of the diverse range of challenges UKGBC members have begun to overcome on the road to net zero. Various areas of achievement, and success factors, are shown in the heat maps below. These particularly highlight the importance of collaboration, knowledge-sharing, and cultural and mindset changes in enabling progress.
Key achievements of members to date included:
• Gaining validation and endorsement at leadership-level for an overarching decarbonisation vision or target.
• Increased awareness and understanding around net zero, spurring broader action and cultural change.
• Improved data collection enabling baseline emissions footprints to be established.
What has enabled our members’ achievements?
The heat map below shows a range of factors cited by UKGBC members as enablers to their organisation’s achievements to date.
We have grouped the insights gained from UKGBC members into common or linking factors to produce the graphics above. Click here for more detail on what these factors mean.