Social value in new development

Following the January 2017 Sustainable Cities Leadership Summit, UKGBC and Core Cities agreed to collaborate on social value, saying in our Summit report:
‘We will take forward a piece of work on measuring the social value generated by high quality development, which encourages a consistent approach between policy-makers and developers and could help incentivise sustainable place-making by supporting the business case. This would explicitly build on existing work, rather than reinvent the wheel.‘
Working with key partners from the Core Cities, UKGBC led a project to help make sense of the landscape for our sector, and explore how industry can improve and best demonstrate the value that they are offering the communities in which they build.
The resulting output, an introductory guide to social value in new development, is now live. UKGBC’s further work on agenda will focus on the ongoing dissemination of the information from the guidance and working with local government and industry to push forward better standards.
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