Problem Addressed

How to bolster the case for implementing modern methods of construction on projects. As the UK’s agenda on MMC continues to take shape, the social value tools on the market focus on traditional delivery methods. The environmental case for MMC is well-documented, including a reducing in C02 emissions, reduction in waste, use of renewable materials etc., but it has until now been difficult to demonstrate the social value case to support this.

Solution Overview

Social Profit Calculator’s tool is designed to bolster the case for implementing modern methods of construction on projects, supporting the business case for using MMC for social returns. With the Smart Construction Calculator it is now possible to evaluate how best to implement MMC into a project and account for the social, environmental, economic and asset value that is being generated. This is intended to further the MMC agenda and encourage more widespread use of MMC methods. 

The Smart Construction Calculator is a tool for bid-stage projects looking to implement modern methods of construction elements into their processes. The tool allows users to compare the social, environmental, economic and asset value being generated via the use of traditional and modern methods of construction. The tool is designed to help clients evaluate options, set targets and identify appropriate ways to incorporate modern methods of construction into their projects. For constructors, the tool is designed to allow for the comparison of approaches when drafting bids, as well as the opportunity to weigh up potential ways of meeting client social, economic and environmental targets through the use of modern and tradition methods of construction. 

Access to the tool is via a licence agreement. Costs have not been given at this time.

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