All in one air filtration, disinfection and monitoring

Problem Addressed
Household combustion devices, motor vehicles, industrial facilities and forest fires are common sources of air pollution. Pollutants of major public health concern include particulate matter, carbon monoxide, ozone, nitrogen dioxide and sulfur dioxide. Outdoor and indoor air pollution cause respiratory and other diseases and is an important source of morbidity and mortality.
Case Study
A test was carried out using Temtop LKC-1000S+ professional air quality detector to determine the effectiveness of Aura Air in hospital wards. A baseline measurement was taken then Aura Air was turned on at the highest setting for 1 hour, before a second set of measurements. The results are shown below:
In addition, research carried out on Covid wards at Addenbrooke’s Hospital suggests that air filter machines removed almost all traces of airborne Covid virus.
Carmignac is an independent asset management company, and one of Europe’s leaders.
Redcube Aura Air pollution management is working across the building on all five floors to provide the staff and client’s at Carmignac clean and purified air. Working with Michael Porter who is the facilities manager at Carmignac, Redcube installed over 24 devices which each reports back his air quality and pollution levels in real time through Redcube’s portal.
Facts and Figures
This page presents data, evidence, and solutions that are provided by our partners and members and should therefore not be attributed to UKGBC. While we showcase these solutions for inspiration, to build consensus, and create momentum for climate action, UKGBC does not offer commercial endorsement of individual solutions. If you would like to quote something from this page, or more information, please contact our Communications team at
Optimised ventilation technology

Indoor air quality certification

Air quality sensing and monitoring

Platform to help businesses improve energy efficiency.