Problem Addressed

UKGBC’s Whole Life Carbon Roadmap supports a gas boiler phase-out and including an end to the sale of gas boilers by 2030. However, reducing the carbon emissions and improving the energy efficiency of the existing boilers is an imperative during this transition. As hot water boilers can generate a significant amount of heat, capturing and reusing this heat is an important way to maximise their effectiveness during their phase-out.

Solution Overview

The Carbon Cap Flue Gas Recovery (FGR) technology helps lower natural gas and other utility consumption in multi-residential and other buildings, thereby reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The FGR system is an easily retrofitted transition solution that works in conjunction with natural gas fired heating boilers. Its patented waste heat recovery system fully condenses all the available thermal energy within a boiler’s exhaust flue gas. The recovered heat is used to preheat the boiler’s return and incoming domestic cold water. The result of this process is maximised efficiency of a hot water or steam heating system regardless of its size or age. The technology ensures that all available thermal energy is fully condensed. It achieves this via a few methods. Firstly, the FGR system uses a tee wye damper to selectively bypass the boiler’s main flue stack. Additionally, a specially coated coil extracts sensible energy to pre-heat the boiler return then captures the remaining latent energy to pre-heat the domestic water load. All of the thermal benefits are measured recorded on the cloud with calibrated meters certified under EN1434 and Measurement Canada standards.

Carbon Cap has also developed a unique financial model, the Shared Utility Savings Fund (SSUF). This programme provides the technology equipment to the end user for free in exchange for a shared install and utility savings agreement. The total savings are shared between the building which receives 50%, the financial partner who receives 40%, and the SSUF which receives the remaining 10%. The installation cost is divided the same way. The building owner can also become the financial partner by assuming the upfront equipment cost, giving the building owner a total of 90% of the ongoing savings. The expected ROI in this scenario would be 2-4 years depending on the price of natural gas, building consumption, and carbon tax rates. Under this model, Carbon Cap would own and assume the responsibility of  the SSUF, providing all initial and ongoing technology and organisational procurement as well as implementing updated innovations.

Case Study

Carbon Cap’s early technology development was federally funded thereby requiring comprehensive and certified energy and environmental impact reports that included its demonstration in a live building supported by significant benchmark data.

Facts and Figures

2 weeks

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