App for controlling HVAC and lighting

Problem Addressed
How to collate data from separated building systems and transform it into one easy-to-read solution that can make automating space usage and energy consumption, building sustainability and a net zero carbon building become reality.
This solution was sourced in response to one of UKGBC’s past challenges on ‘Linking Building Occupancy to Energy Use’.
Case Study
Smart Spaces technology was used on the Great Portland Estates Plc development which won both the Refurbished/Recycled Workplace Award and Innovation Award at BCO 2020. This was achieved using Cause & Effect relationships to drive energy optimisation based on real-time occupancy and demand. Smart Spaces also provided users with the ability to disable their AC and switch off the HVAC or control the temperature while showing them their real-time energy use.
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Analytics to detect anomalies with smart devices and building equipment

Software tool to analyse building operations

Improved monitoring and collaboration for property teams

Fabriq OS