Certifying active travel facilities and services

Problem Addressed
Sustainable modes of transport are vital for the health of our cities and the people that live in them, and we require assets to be more active and commuter-friendly. Well-designed and more considered facilities can result in more people choosing alternative modes of transport.
Case Study
More than 250 projects worldwide are ActiveScore certified. A range of case studies can be found here, including from Lendlease, Brookfield Properties, GPE and Bruntwood.
Facts and Figures
This page presents data, evidence, and solutions that are provided by our partners and members and should therefore not be attributed to UKGBC. While we showcase these solutions for inspiration, to build consensus, and create momentum for climate action, UKGBC does not offer commercial endorsement of individual solutions. If you would like to quote something from this page, or more information, please contact our Communications team at media@ukgbc.org.
Carbon performance scoring and verification tool for construction

Sustainable project certification

Indoor air quality certification

Materials Passports Platforms