Queen’s Speech: A chance to plan for net-zero

The Queen’s Speech will outline the government’s legislative plans for the coming year. It is expected to announce a Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill, including some planning reform, and here’s what UKGBC want to hear:
Levelling up and Regeneration Bill
The planning system ultimately decides what can be built where and has influence over a range of local design standards, polices and constraints. UKGBC wants to see Planning reforms proposed in the Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill that bring the English planning system into line with the Climate Change Act, and help support our pathway to net zero.
As the Government aims to see 300,000 new homes built every year from the mid-2020s, changes to the planning system should help put new homes, neighbourhoods, and buildings on a path to being low carbon, cheaper to run and more comfortable to live and work in. Likewise planning must play it’s in ensuring new development is future-proofed deal with a changing climate, including more flooding, heatwaves and droughts, and be part of reversing the biodiversity collapse in the UK.
Read more on our reflections on the Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill here.
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