Construction Carbon
Problem Addressed
Construction Carbon wants to be instrumental in tackling embodied carbon emissions from construction, providing a mechanism for construction projects of all sizes to mitigate their environmental impact.
Overview Of Start-up
Construction Carbon helps building contractors and developers to easily calculate the embodied carbon in their construction projects, this is then benchmarked, the carbon is offset and a certification is provided so they can publicise that their project is carbon neutral (addressing steps 1.1 and 2 in the UKGBC Net Zero Carbon Buildings Framework Definition).
What Makes The Start-up Innovative
Construction Carbon is simplifying a complex process currently out of reach to the vast majority of builders and developers, and aims to provide a way of presenting it that is immediately understandable to the general public. It has developed a one-stop solution that can be used as both the carrot and the stick when it comes tackling ECEs from construction.
How The Start-up Been Designed To Scale Up Quickly
The product is infinitely scalable as it relies on a remotely accessed software platform. Its current focus is the UK though it plans to expand internationally in due course.