Partnership Length1 year (FY 2025/26)

Our Regenerative Places programme aims to work with local places to explore and demonstrate how retrofit can act as a catalyst to embed wider regenerative benefits to communities. The Programme focuses on bringing together public and private partners to co-create place-based strategies that enhance local network capacity, develop resilience against future climate-related challenges, and deliver broad “regenerative” benefits to communities.

It explores what we mean by “regenerative” and was conceived as a powerful way to co-create, with UKGBC members and local partners, a positive – regenerative – vision for the future through:

• Working with existing communities to decarbonise their homes, public spaces, and lifestyles, in ways that build resilience and (bio)diversity, while

• Exploring how local networks can develop their own capacity to respond to future challenges, empowering local people and building on local knowledge and strengths offering health and social value benefits.


Anna Hollyman Co-Head Regenerative Places Programme
Joanne Wheeler Co-Head Regenerative Places Programme

Our partnership with UKGBC to support a locally-led approach to home retrofit has gone from strength to strength over the last 2 years. UKGBC’s depth of knowledge on retrofit, as well its strong and active network has really enhanced our reach. We look forward to continuing our partnership into 2024 and beyond, and working with new partners through the Regenerative Places Programme. This will enable us to deepen our understanding of how home retrofit can act as a catalyst for ensuring wider benefits to communities.”

Alastair Mumford, Programme Director, MCS Foundation
