Renewable Energy Procurement & Carbon Offsetting Guidance Consultation

In April 2019, UKGBC published Net Zero Carbon Buildings: A Framework Definition’ which set in place a path for the property and construction sector to achieve net zero carbon buildings in both construction and in operation. As part of the ongoing development of the framework, clarity on renewable energy procurement and carbon offsetting for businesses was identified as critical to ensuring the framework is used consistently and aligned with best practice.
A task group comprised of built environment professionals, technical bodies, and institutes was convened to develop guidance for renewable energy procurement and carbon offsetting for the UK market.
The draft guidance is now published for industry consultation and will remain open for comments until Tuesday 17th November 2020. The draft guidance is available to download here, and the supporting online survey to provide feedback is available here.
This guidance is focused on three main elements:
- Renewable energy procurement for electricity, heating and domestic hot water
- Carbon offsetting
- Carbon accounting
These elements touch on a range of areas, including but not limited to the current UK electricity market, green gas, local and international offsets, GHG reporting, alignment with UK net zero trajectory and more.
UKGBC is seeking experts familiar with some or all the elements in the guidance, or who intend to use the guidance, to provide feedback in one of two industry workshops. This is an opportunity to bring your organisation’s perspective into a report that will be used by a variety of stakeholders in the built environment industry. You will be able to highlight concerns and questions, as well as gain clarity on the different sections and how they apply to you.
You will be asked to read the guidance beforehand and come prepared with comments. UKGBC is keen to solicit a wide range of perspectives. As such, when you RSVP we will ask you to provide some background information about why you are interested in this topic to ensure various expertise is represented. Chatham House rules will be applied to the workshop itself.
Please sign up to the workshops using the links below:
- Thursday 5th November, 14:00 – 16:00 – Workshop 1
- Thursday 12th November, 14:00 – 16:00 – Workshop 2
Annual Keystone Members Event

Site Visit to Coal House, Cardiff

Embodied Ecological Impacts Conference

UK Green Building Council’s Annual General Meeting