To meet the UK’s 2050 net zero targets, the built environment sector requires urgent, widespread and real decarbonisation of existing and new buildings. UKGBC’s seminal Net Zero Carbon Buildings Framework Definition built industry consensus on the steps to achieving net zero buildings, providing the property and construction sectors much needed clarity. Since its release in 2019, we have seen a significant shift in the global and UK context driving up demand for net zero buildings, which is reflected in feedback received from members and other industry stakeholders. 

Due to this, UKGBC are currently undertaking a major project to explore potential routes for a net zero carbon buildings scheme in collaboration with wider industry bodies. Verification will ensure robustness to net zero claims and will help catalyse industry-wide transformation of our built environment. 

To better understand the market drivers, expectations and characteristics for a potential net zero carbon buildings verification scheme, UKGBC recently conducted an industry survey and a series of 1:1 interview with stakeholders across the built environment value chain. This is to ensure that any proposals deliver a scheme that would genuinely work for the industry. 

We are inviting private and public sector lenders, investors, investment/asset managers, developers, and major occupiers to join us in a Roundtable discussion to review the outcomes of this market analysis, and the proposed recommendations for the NZC Buildings verification scheme. The scope of the discussion will cover both residential and non-residential sector buildings. 

Attendees will have the opportunity to provide further contextual feedback on the associated opportunities and risks of the proposed route to market, to help support industry alignment and the eventual uptake of the scheme. The discussions from this roundtable will directly inform the final market analysis output to be launched in September 2021. 

Who should attend? 

Any private and public sector lenders, investors, investment/asset managers, developers, and major occupiers who have net zero aspirations for the buildings they are involved in. 

Why attend? 

The market analysis indicates that there is a clear market need for a Net Zero Carbon Buildings verification scheme – given real assets represent a major part of both UK and the global economy it is critical that the scheme is commercially and practically viable for the key stakeholders that will be driving its use. Join this roundtable to have your say. 


Please note, this event has a limited capacity and is aimed at specific UKGBC member organisation representatives. To help ensure that the roundtable delivers value for the attendees and in informing the project outcomes, UKGBC reserves the right to politely decline your registration if you do not fit this target audience, or to ensure that there is a balanced group of attendees. 

Event details

Open to

All are welcome.
