Homes genuinely fit for the future: A briefing and discussion on the Future Homes and Buildings Standard
The Government’s new Future Homes and Buildings Standard will set a new bar for new-builds. Will they be genuinely modern and fit for the unprecedented environmental and social challenges we face? Will they set a new level playing field that rewards the hard work of developers that have innovated and invested in highly efficient, fossil fuel free designs?
As in 2016, we are hearing worrying stories that some housebuilders are lobbying Government and the opposition parties for the lowest possible standards. UKGBC members have an important role in demonstrating that there is industry willingness, capacity and need for ambitious changes to these standards.
Why attend?
In this member exclusive event we will share analysis and views on the Government’s forthcoming consultation. We will then be gathering insights to inform UKGBCs response to the consultation and wider campaign for better building standards. This is an opportunity for UKGBC members to hear the latest about the consultation and to get involved in UKGBC’s plans to influence decision makers including through the consultation response.
Who should attend?
This event is aimed for those with an interest in the big policy shifts coming and those who will be affected by the Future Homes and Buildings Standard.