Argent LLP Marketing Suite, 7th Floor, 77 Paradise Circus, Queensway, Birmingham, B1 2DT
View on Google MapsAdvancing Net Zero, Birmingham

Climate change has risen rapidly up the agenda in 2019, and the Committee on Climate Change has recommended a strengthening of the UK’s climate change targets – to deliver net zero carbon across the whole economy by 2050. Our buildings have a key role to play in delivering this, which is the focus of UKGBC’s Advancing Net Zero programme.
As part of this programme UKGBC has launched a framework definition for net zero carbon buildings for the UK market, developed by an industry task group of over 40 businesses and non-profit organisations from across the built environment, with the aim of building consensus and informing policy and industry practice. The Task Group report is available here.
This event brings the hot topic of net zero carbon buildings to Birmingham and the West Midlands, and will tackle both new and existing buildings, commercial and residential, and look at carbon in operation and in construction. At this event, UKGBC will present the outputs from the task group, and we will hear responses and reflections from industry and policy makers.
- Richard Twinn, Senior Policy Advisor, UKGBC – Introducing the outputs from the Advancing Net Zero Programme Task Group
- Uyen-Phan Han, Planning Policy Manager, Birmingham City Council
- Janet Kidner, Operations Director, Birmingham Smithfield – Development, Europe, Lendlease
- Jon Nuttall, Senior Associate, Hoare Lea
- Jackie Homan, Cluster Lead, Climate-KIC
If you are not a UKGBC member and are interested in attending this event, please contact us at to confirm your place.

Annual Keystone Members Event

Site Visit to Coal House, Cardiff

Embodied Ecological Impacts Conference

UK Green Building Council’s Annual General Meeting