Verifying Net Zero Buildings
Note: Following the development of the UK Net Zero Carbon Building Standard which is due to be published in 2024, it is likely that the Framework will evolve. To ensure there is clarity and consensus around when net zero claims can be made, the Framework Definition in its current form is anticipated to be superseded by the Standard, but the supplementary guidance documents will continue to support stakeholders in designing, delivering, and operating buildings in line with net zero carbon. Please refer to the Implementation Guidance below for more for more information.
Verification process
To demonstrate that a building is net zero carbon, a minimum level of information is required to be publicly disclosed, as per the templates below. This information should be disclosed through an easily accessible publication, such as an organisation’s annual sustainability report or clearly presented on a website.
Download Templates for minimum reporting
Net Zero Carbon Buildings Construction Minimum reporting template
Net Zero Carbon Buildings Construction Minimum Reporting Template
Net Zero Carbon Buildings Operational Energy Minimum Reporting Template
The information should be the subject of a third-party audit by an organisation with relevant expertise and independence from the stakeholder making the claim. The audit should clearly provide the sources and processes used to determine the net zero carbon balance. However, auditors are not required to verify specific figures (e.g. checking of energy meters).
Guidance on marketing and communications
Many organisations have rightly been keen to profile their ambitious achievements and showcase how they have aligned their projects with UKGBC’s Framework. Since its launch in 2019, UKGBC has always stated how vital it is that any communications around net zero are specific and transparent to avoid misinterpretation.
As we transition to the Standard becoming the industry’s leading definition of a net zero carbon building, and the new bar which has been set for industry, this change in positioning must be reflected in how industry communicates their achievements. The below guidance has been prepared to support industry during the transition period (2023-4).