Response to BEIS Consultation on ECO+

We welcome the new ECO+ scheme as an addition to the urgently needed support for households struggling with high energy bills, but we are concerned that, as currently planned, the scheme risks some of the significant pitfalls of previous government schemes. They failed to attract sufficient households and installers and not only failed to drive a sustained upscaling and upskilling of the supply chain but contributed to a cycle of boom and bust that makes it harder each time for industry to respond.
We urge the government to
extend the scheme beyond 3 years to 10 years to give installation and manufacturing companies the longer-term confidence they need to invest at scale in training, competence building and capacity building,
increase the low-income households target to 50%,
to provide specific funding to local authorities to establish or increase their capacity to facilitate home retrofit within their local areas,
widen the scheme beyond energy utilities to more delivery partners, local authorities and other bodies.
Download our consultation response
ECO plus consultation response
Materials Passports Platforms

Digital twin and building analytics platform

Collated guidance for reducing carbon in buildings

Materials Passports