How can we make space as agile as technology?

This was one question UKGBC posed at our inaugural Innovation Lab, a structured innovation programme to improve sustainability in the built environment that brought together corporates, SMEs and innovators.

To tackle it, UKGBC led participants through a step-by-step process on how to identify and define a challenge, then to think innovatively about a response, addressing climate change, resource efficiency, nature and biodiversity, health and wellbeing, and socio-economic impact in the solution. But how have other innovators approached the problem of making space agile through technology?

Our Innovation Insights guide explores a range of practical and inspirational case studies in applied technology. The ideas covered contribute in different ways to a more sustainable built environment whether by accurately tracking, in real time, occupier activity or using flexible business models that ensure a more creative, and efficient, building use.

Download ‘Innovation Insights: Making Space as agile as Technology’ here
