Ecopilot® improves the working environment, improves productivity, and reduces costs. Ecopilot® automatically enables various systems to collaborate, rather than constantly working against each other. A more pleasant indoor climate is created and maintained, while costs are reduced. Plus, it contributes to fulfilment of EU requirements on greenhouse gas emissions. A smart solution which works with existing ventilation, heating, and cooling systems.
• Improves the working environment and therefore productivity
• Automatically reduces utility consumption & therefore costs.
• Contributes to fulfilment of EU requirements on greenhouse gas emissions.
• Works with existing BMS (ventilation, heating, and cooling systems).
It Does this by:
• Coordinating HVAC systems, eliminating unnecessary overlaps (heating fighting cooling)
• Weather Consideration – downloads raw weather data twice a day, for coming 5 days, turning BMS from a reactive system into a proactive tool
• Working with the buildings thermal mass/thermal storage capacity – the buildings ability to retain and release heating/cooling
The Results:
• Average reductions as noted below are seen:
– 24% heating
– 12% electricity
– 28% cooling (where cooling is a separate metered element)
• Improved & more even indoor climate, reduced fluctuations
• Reduced comfort complaints
• The savings promised in the Confirmed Proposal are guaranteed
Measurement & Verification:
• Analytics generated by Ecopilot® can be used to provide detailed assessments of the energy usage within the building to enable users to identify and isolate further energy efficiencies.
• These analytics are based on systems that are dynamically optimised, in real-time, to work as efficiently as they can, to deliver the best indoor comfort.
Ecopilot’s main function is to automatically reduce consumption and therefore costs, without the need for any further interventions, while maintaining optimum comfort levels.
Each building is unique and therefore financial investment will vary; figures below are based on existing Ecopilot® installations with confirmed results:
Project cost ~£51,000
Annual Saving ~£21,000 (savings: 37% Heat)
Return on Investment ~2.4 years
Annual Fee ~£2,100
Shopping Mall:
Project cost ~£140,000
Annual Saving ~£90,000 (savings: 40% Heat, 70% Cooling)
Return on Investment ~1.5 years
Annual Fee ~£9,000
Project cost ~£50,000
Annual Saving ~£23,000 (savings: 46% Heat, 10% Electricity)
Return on Investment ~2.1 years
Annual Fee ~£2,300
Project cost ~£65,000
Annual Saving ~£23,000 (savings: 20% Heat, 6% Electricity)
Return on Investment ~2.8 years
Annual Fee ~£2,300
The savings promised in the Confirmed Proposal are guaranteed. Ecopilot® have an online estimate saving calculator available here: