
The UK Green Building Council task group was convened at the end of November 2024 and will continue to meet regularly over the coming year to support our Supply Chain Decarbonisation workstream.

The Supply Chain Decarbonisation task group comprises supply chain professionals and experts from across our membership. We also have access to and continue to seek the input of those outside the organisation with particular expertise to contribute to our task group activity.

Project Scope

Given the extent and complexity of supply chains within the built environment, the challenge of decarbonisation is significant. However, by breaking the challenge down into manageable pieces, it will be easier to bring about real and effective progress. During the first three years of the supply chain decarbonisation workstream it is proposed to address six key areas:


Supporting procurement teams in sourcing low carbon materials


Improving the processes and standardisation of tracking and reporting data

Low carbon materials

Testing, proving, and supporting the increased use of low carbon materials

Supplier and SME engagement

Working with stakeholders across the supply chain


Tackling the upfront cost due to any changes in practice

Knowledge and skills

Increasing the knowledge and skills required to deliver a low carbon industry

With work already underway across a number of these areas within other UKGBC programmes, the task group are looking to focus on Procurement and Supplier and SME engagement in year 1 of the workstream.

Workstream Activity

The task group began meeting at the end of November 2024 and, in the first phase of their year 1 work, have looked to gain a greater understanding of stakeholders across the supply chain and their relationships.
The group have also begun to detail and prioritise the many challenges faced in decarbonisation whilst beginning to identify potential actions that may be taken to realise solutions and bring about change.
The vision of the group is, at the same time, being informed by a picture of what success will look like. It is hoped that by focusing on current challenges whilst also describing future success, the group’s work may coalesce around an effective programme of action.

Latest News

As the task group’s work continues, further updates will be posted, to include key milestones, events, and activities.