UKGBC reacts to COP26 postponement
A decision has been made to postpone COP26, which the official government announcement describes as a decision that was taken by the UNFCCC with the UK and our Italian partners. COP26 is being rescheduled for 2021 (date unspecified as yet), and is still due to be held in Glasgow.
John Alker, Director of Policy and Places at UKGBC said:
Our immediate reaction is firstly that this is an inevitable and correct decision. At UKGBC, we were just in the process of beginning to implement our COP strategy. Our initial view is that much of what we had planned remains the right course of action – i.e. working to raise the profile of the built environment, galvanising leadership from business and informing policy development – which will stand us in good stead for whenever the delayed COP26 happens.
Even though we will be working to a slightly different timetable, we look forward to continuing to collaborate with our members on activities that look ahead to COP26, which we will embark upon over the coming weeks.
To get involved with UKGBC’s evolving COP26 plan, get in touch with
The government’s press release for the postponement can be found here.