UKGBC Opens applications for Whole Life Carbon reduction via Circular Economy principles

UKGBC’s Whole Life Carbon Roadmap project will outline, with new clarity, the scale of GHG emission reductions required of the UK built environment sector to transition to a net zero carbon economy by 2050. It emphasises the urgency in which materials, energy and other resources must be used more efficiently, and the potential role that circular economy models can play in the UK’s decarbonisation trajectory. Set within this context, UKGBC is launching a new project to explore how Circular Economy principles can reduce the Whole Life Carbon of both new and existing built assets.
The project aims to:
- Increase understanding within the real estate sector of how circular economy principles can support whole life carbon reductions, and where there may be potential trade-offs.
- Provide greater clarity on how circular economy may be measured and valued in relation to the whole life carbon of buildings. This will include the potential opportunities, challenges, and solutions in translating the carbon reduction outcomes into financial or other value metrics.
- Gather and review further industry research and case studies to help support the above aims.
The output is expected to be a report that will set out both the evidence and business case for using circular economy principles to reduce the whole life carbon of buildings, to help inform both investment and design decisions.
We are inviting relevant experts from the UKGBC membership to apply and are seeking a broad range of expertise across the five Circular Economy Principles: (1) Maximise reuse, (2) Design for optimisation, (3) Use standardisation, (4) Products as a service and (5) Minimum impact and waste.
We encourage applicants from businesses and organisations across the built environment value chain, including but not limited to developers, investors, contractors, design and advisory services, product manufacturers, academia, and local authorities.
The deadline for applications is Friday 8th October 2021.
Access the Task Group Call for Applications document below for more information on the objectives, time commitment, and how to apply.
For any queries, or to be added onto the circular economy interest group, please contact
Additional note: Trade associations, non-profits and charities from the real estate and construction industry will be key partners in ensuring that the guidance is a representative and shared resource for the industry. These organisations are invited to collaborate on the initiative and join the project as Supporters – please contact Emily Huynh for further information.
With thanks to our Circular Economy Programme Sponsors: Buro Happold, ISG and Orms.

Related downloads
Download Task Group Call For Applications Document – Circular Economy
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