Our initial project ran from August 2018 through to March 2019. Its core ambition was to raise awareness within the built environment client community, and wider professionals, on what is being done and can be done to design and adapt UK buildings and infrastructure to the likely impact of climate change. 

Design for Future Climate” Reports 

InnovateUK kindly provided funding towards our activities in 2018 and we are hosting their “Design for Future Climate” outputs on their behalf, which you can find here. 

Climate resilience actor and resource map 

We created a new tool for the industry which allows professionals to quickly understand the landscape of initiatives in the built environment on the topic of climate resilience, see the map here. 


We held a webinar which discussed the likely impact of climate change, examples of adaptation and our actor and resource map. You can find the recording here. 


Following our webinar, we released the BLOG: Sink or swim – is the built environment ready for climate change? Readhere. 

In Bristol we ran a roundtable on climate resilience in the South West. Resource Futures’ Siobhan Lamb looks back at this in the BLOG: Building climate resilience together. Read here 


As part of our social media campaign we created three videos which highlight the impacts of climate change on the built environment.
