Simon McWhirter, Deputy Chief Executive of UK Green Building Council said: 

Labour’s climb-down from its ambitious green investment commitment would represent a colossally short-sighted political manoeuvre. Dialing-up investment in our net zero future is not just the consensus recommendation of the vast majority of industry, business, and society – it is central to Labour’s promise to bring down household energy bills and revitalise the UK’s towns, cities, and infrastructure. 

“Stimulating our green economy with clear, robust policy commitments is the most fiscally prudent and economically beneficial strategy for tackling the UK’s most chronic problems, including energy security, cost of living, long-term health and social challenges, and climate breakdown. Political leaders must recognise the green economy for the transformative opportunity it is instead of mischaracterising it as an unaffordable luxury. This is mission critical for our country, our people, and our planet. 

“We hope that all parties, including Labour, will soon provide firm and ambitious commitments to the green economy as a whole – including a nationwide home energy efficiency upgrade drive powered by government investment and incentives, and a comprehensive policy portfolio that plugs existing gaps and charts a course to a net zero, climate resilient future for the UK.” 
