UK Green Building Council's Annual General Meeting

We are pleased to invite UKGBC members to our Annual General Meeting (AGM). Please join our outgoing Chair Sunand Prasad and our incoming Chair Judith Everett, Executive Director, Purpose, Sustainability & Stakeholder at The Crown Estate together with UKGBC’s CEO Smith Mordak as we look back on last year’s impact and hear about UKGBC’s exciting plan for the year ahead along with the formal proceedings of the AGM.
This year, we will be hosting the event online to enable as many of our members to join as possible.
As always, voting members will be able to vote on resolutions pertaining to Trustee appointments and re-appointments. The business of the AGM will be bookended with a look back and look forward on our future plans.
Please note that the primary/ statutory contact for your organisation will receive the formal AGM notice and statutory papers ten working days before the Annual General Meeting.
Please note, this event is for UKGBC members only.
Annual Keystone Members Event

Site Visit to Coal House, Cardiff

Net Zero Solutions Forum – Bristol

The Buildings Breakthrough – How do we deliver a new Net Zero Paradigm for the Built Environment?