Skidmore Net Zero Review: member session
Please note this event is for UKGBC members only.
A year after the publication of the Net Zero Strategy, the UK Government has launched an independent review of net zero delivery that aims to identify new ways to deliver the legally binding target by 2050 in a way that is pro-business and pro-growth.
The review, led by former Energy Secretary Chris Skidmore, presents a pivotal moment for the future of net zero and the protection of our environment.
UKGBC is responding to the Government’s Net Zero review and we are calling on our members to help shape our response and amplify our sector’s voice in ensuring that Net Zero remains central to our economic growth.
Our plan includes the following:
- to develop our direct UKGBC response, both informed by and representing you, our members, and
- to support our members to respond individually to the call for evidence, and to encourage their staff to also respond as individuals.
As part of this plan, UKGBC is hosting a virtual session to gather evidence, case studies, data and more against the headline questions in the net zero review. The format is primarily focused on information gathering, where we will be expecting inputs from members, rather than broadcasting.
Respond to our review consultation survey here.
If you have any questions about this event, please contact