The principles are primarily intended to be used by developers, owners, operators and occupiers of buildings within an urban context. The aim is to provide a concise overview of practical methods and best practice examples that empower influencers and decision-makers within these organisations to increase the use of urban NBS.  

We anticipate this report to be useful to those organisations’ decision-makers, finance departments, marketing departments, design teams and sustainability professionals. The resource is designed to also be of value to broader built environment professionals, including engineers, architects, landscape architects, contractors, landscape contractors, planners, private house owners, professional bodies, national and local policy-makers and environmental non-governmental organisations (NGOs). 

This online event will highlight some key aspects of the resource and will convene a discussion between industry experts on the next steps for built environment professionals. 

This resource is the first output of UKGBC’s Increasing Nature-based Solutions programme and at the event, we will outline our upcoming work on resilience and NBS and the connection with COP26.  


  • Ciara Hanson – Development Manager, Brick by Brick
  • Ian Fuller – Head of Sustainability, ISG
  • Helen Drury – Sustainability Lead, Tritax Management LLP
  • Alastair Mant, Director of Business Transformation, UKGBC
  • Christopher Moss, Project Coordinator – Resilience and Nature-based Solutions, UKGBC

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