Attlee Suite, Portcullis House, 1 Parliament St, Westminster, London SW1A 2JR
View on Google MapsParliamentary Launch: Delivering Net Zero Carbon Buildings
Update: This event has now passed. For more information on our Advancing Net Zero programme please click here.
As part of our Advancing Net Zero programme, UKGBC are hosting a parliamentary event to examine how buildings can contribute to achieving the Paris Climate Agreement. The event will be hosted by Simon Clarke MP in the Attlee Suite at Portcullis House on Tuesday 30th April between 3pm and 5pm. We are delighted to announce that the Minister for Energy and Clean Growth, the Rt Hon Claire Perry MP will be providing a keynote address.
In November 2018, UKGBC convened an industry task group to develop a high level definition for net zero carbon buildings in the UK market. The definition has been developed through industry collaboration and stakeholder consultation, with the aim of providing a consistent route for businesses and policy-makers to achieve net zero carbon buildings.
The task group has brought together representatives from over 40 businesses across the construction value chain. It is supported by BBP, BPF, BSRIA, CIBSE, the Good Homes Alliance, the London Energy Transformation Initiative (LETI), Passivhaus Trust, REA, Revo, RIBA, RICS, the Sustainable Energy Association and the Solar Trade Association.
This event will see the launch of the definition, and we will be discussing with Parliamentarians and others how to build an effective market for net zero carbon buildings. This will require the development of intelligent policy and regulation from government as well as leadership, innovation and investment from businesses.
This will be a timely contribution to the debate on addressing emissions from buildings. The Prime Minister’s Clean Growth Mission to halve the energy use from new buildings by 2030 has signalled a clear ambition for improving new buildings, while the upcoming review of energy in building regulations provides an opportunity to re-energise the journey towards truly low carbon buildings. It is also vital for the construction and property industry to demonstrate leadership on net zero carbon, in light of repeated reports by the Committee on Climate Change highlighting the urgent need for further action in the built environment if we are to meet our national carbon targets.
We are expecting this event to be oversubscribed so are limiting places to one per organisation. Please click here to register your interest in attending and places will be confirmed in mid-April. Please contact us at if you have any questions about the event.