In November 2021, UKGBC launched the Net Zero Whole Life Carbon Roadmap at COP26, a common vision and agreed actions for achieving net zero carbon in the construction, operation and demolition of buildings and infrastructure.

The main Roadmap elements include a carbon footprint for the UK built environment, a Net Zero Carbon trajectory to 2050, and policy recommendations with industry action plans to deliver the 2050 scenario. These outputs are published in an initial series of four reports and are available to download here.

UKGBC is now excited to host an industry launch event that focuses on the Roadmap’s implications for built environment stakeholders. This event will highlight next steps for the industry in this critical decade of action, and how we can ensure the milestones and actions detailed in the Roadmap are achieved. The interactive format will enable guests to leave the event with an understanding of the Roadmap’s findings and the next steps they can practically take to deliver a net zero built environment.


  • Adam Crossley, Director of Environment, Skanska
  • Julie Godefroy, Sustainability Lead, CIBSE
  • Lynne Sullivan, Chair, Good Homes Alliance
  • Mina Hasman, Associate Director, SOM
  • Will Arnold, Head of Climate Action, iStructE

Background: Roadmap Outputs 

  • A Pathway to Net Zero for the UK Built Environment – aimed at stakeholders from across the built environment value chain who need an overview of the Roadmap findings and its implications for the sector. The report provides context for why the Roadmap exercise is critical to delivering the UK net zero goal, while also detailing the necessary technological shifts, policies and industry actions that can help deliver decarbonisation.
  • Technical Report – provides detail on the project structure, the process for data collection, the key features of the calculation methodology and concludes with a description of the net zero scenario definition and results.
  • Summary for Policy-Makers – aimed at central government, local authorities, and anyone interested in built environment policies. The Summary provides an overview of the relevant Roadmap findings and policy recommendations for central government to deliver a net zero built environment by 2050.
  • Stakeholder Action Plans – sets out specific recommended actions for 14 key industry stakeholders, enabling them to play their part in achieving the Roadmap’s goals.

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