UKGBC Offices (1st Floor), The Building Centre, 26 Store Street, London, WC1E 7BT
View mapsEuropean Commission "Level(s)" framework presentation and workshop - with Josefina Lindblom

In 2017, the European Commission launched Level(s), a voluntary reporting framework to improve the sustainability of buildings. Using existing standards, Level(s) provides a common EU approach to the assessment of environmental performance in the built environment.
Level(s) provides an easy starting point to introduce sustainability into your work. Within the Level(s) framework, each indicator is designed to link the individual building’s impact with the priorities for sustainability at the European level. This focuses the Level(s) user on a manageable number of essential concepts and indicators at building level that contribute to achieving EU and Member State environmental policy goals.
This UKGBC member-only event is an introduction to Level(s) from Josefina Lindblom, Policy Officer for DG Environment and responsible for the development of Level(s), followed by a short workshop to explore the barriers and opportunities of Level(s) implementation in the UK.
For more information on Level(s):
For more information on the event, contact
Annual Keystone Members Event

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UK Green Building Council’s Annual General Meeting