
The impact of the materials we use in our built environment is not limited to carbon emissions. We are in the middle of a global biodiversity crisis, with a 73% decline in global biodiversity populations since 1970 (WWF Living Planet Report). The construction industry’s role in use of extracted materials has an impact on nature the world over.  

In a world of globalised trade and supply chains, many negative impacts are transferred to sites and areas remote from the building site, such as deforestation, water scarcity, pollution, and even violent conflicts. 

We need to consider the full picture of the way we impact nature via the ways we do business. This includes ecological impacts as a result of material extraction and within our supply chains. This is what we call embodied ecological impacts.  

About the sessions  

This interactive workshop will help you understand what embodied ecological impacts (EEI) are, and what role the construction industry plays. The session will explore the basics of EEI, looking at a collection of specific materials that are widely used in construction, assessing their ecological impacts and some of the core solutions to reduce impact.  

There will be opportunities to discuss how EEI is relevant to your organisation, projects and role, and we’ll share some core actions that everyone can take to begin to reduce impacts.  

Who’s it for?  

This session is for anyone who would like to know more about EEI in the construction sector.  

Why join the course?  

  1. Learn more about EEI, and the role of the construction industry.  
  2. Understand the actions that industry needs to take to reduce impacts, and what you can do in your role.  
  3. Meet UKGBCs subject matter expert and peers interested in this subject. 

Course hosts

This session will be hosted by Joe Pitts-Cunningham, Experiential Learning Manager and Kai Liebetanz Head of Nature, both from UKGBC 

CPD hours: 1.5 


Member tickets are free 

Non-member tickets start at £80 

If you’re unsure if your organisation is a member, please check our Membership Directory.   

Delivering this course for your team 

UKGBC can offer this workshop as a closed course for your team or people from across only your organisation. Please get in touch with us to discuss your requirements learning@UKGBC.org  

UKGBC cancellation and refund policy 

Please see our website for more details on our cancellations and refunds: https://ukgbc.org/ukgbc-cancellation-and-refund-policy/ 

This workshop is part of our Nature and Biodiversity Learning Programme

This programme seeks to radically change delegates view of nature, to a perspective that values and respects nature and humans’ place within the web of life.

Split into a wide number of workshops, masterclasses and webinars over several months, delegates can choose to join any number of sessions and do not need to attend them all. You are instead encouraged to engage with the question – how do I want to better connect with nature? – and seek out the learning opportunities that will help you find the answers you need.

Organisational Partners

Supporting all four of UKGBC’s programmes Learning and Leadership, Advancing Net Zero, Resilience & Nature and Regenerative Places.

Resilience & Nature Partners

Our Resilience and Nature work is made possible thanks to our Programme Partners

Project partners

Event details




Starting at £80

Open to

All are welcome.

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