This event will mark the national launch of outputs from two related projects, which form a key part of UKGBC’s Cities Programme:

  1. A report from the Social Value Task Group, which provides guidance for public and private sectors on using the hot topic of social value to drive higher quality, sustainable construction and regeneration.
  2. A new resource pack, aimed at local authorities all over the country, intended to support forward-thinking sustainability standard setting in new homes. The focus is initially on energy & carbon, indoor air quality and assuring performance.

This practical and outcomes-oriented event is for:

  • businesses operating in the built environment
  • policy-makers
  • other interested stakeholders

On the day you will:

  • learn about new resources available
  • take part in a focussed discussion about how to use and embed the resources and recommendations, and how to build on them

With contributions from Bristol City Council, Greater Manchester Combined Authority, Birmingham City Council and Newcastle City Council as well as leading industry figures including Lendlease, British Land and BRE.

Online registration closes on Thursday 22 March.

A UKGBC event, supported by Core Cities UK and Bristol City Council.

Find out more about the Cities Programme.

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All are welcome.

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