UKGBC has launched a new pilot process – the Solutions Portal – for crowdsourcing solutions to the industry’s shared sustainability challenges, with an initial focus on “how to achieve net zero carbon buildings”.  

Amongst all the chaos of 2020, two things have kept happening: the world keeps warming and organisations keep making net zero carbon commitments. It’s fantastic to see a steady increase in ambitious carbon reduction targets, and we know that many of the solutions we need to achieve them already exist. The problem is, they often aren’t common knowledge or well understood.  

So, we need your help in crowdsourcing these solutions and driving the sustainability agenda forward. Join us for a lively discussion focussed on our two recently launched pilot challenge statements:  

Challenge Statement 1  

“How can a building owner improve their existing buildings, with as little physical intervention as possible, to achieve net zero operational carbon by 2030?”  

Challenge Statement 2  

“How can office owners and occupiers improve the connection between live building occupancy and the control of building services, to reduce operational energy consumption?”  

The event will include an overview of UKGBC’s Pilot Solutions Portal, discussion of ideas and solutions, and the opportunity to meet other professionals engaged in the world of innovation and net-zero carbon 

The challenge of climate change is too great for any of our organisations to tackle alone, so please participate in the event and help us source solutions to our shared challenges.  

This is a members, or by invitation only, event. If you are not a UKGBC member but wish to attend, please contact

Event details

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All are welcome.

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