The Memorial Hall , The Albert Square Chop House, Albert Square Manchester M2 5PF
Climate Resilience of the Built Environment - Manchester
Update: This event has now passed. For more information on our work on climate resilience please click here.
UKGBC and the Greater Manchester Combined Authority are running this event to discuss the UKCP18 (UK Climate Projections), what Manchester is doing to increase resilience to climate change and to hear examples of how built environment businesses are adapting their assets and strategies.
There will be chances to pose questions to the speakers, help inform UKGBCs future work on this topic, and network with fellow professionals.
- Mark Atherton, Assistant Director Environment, Greater Manchester Combined Authority
- Matt Ellis, Climate Resilience Officer, Greater Manchester Combined Authority
- Peter Bradshaw, Climate Resilience Officer, Greater Manchester Combined Authority
- Andy Sheppard, Associate – Sustainability, ARUP
- Bev Taylor, Head of Energy, Bruntwood
- Alastair Mant, Head of Business Transformation, UKGBC
This event is part of UKGBC’s current Climate Resilience project, which is funded by Innovate UK. You can find out more about the project here.