Under the UK government’s 25-year Environment Plan, new legislation within England will require all new development to provide a biodiversity uplift of a minimum of 10%, with use of the Defra BNG metric. This legislation is expected to come into force in November 2023, and will need to be considered by all stakeholders in the built environment from designers and architects to financial institutions and property consultants.

UKGBC’s Biodiversity and Environmental Net Gain Project has developed a suite of resources and information to enable industry professionals to meet and exceed the minimum standards set out in this legislation and ensure the BNG/ENG strategies that are being used on sites align with the Government Policy changes to support long-term authentic net positive change.

At this in person event, UKGBC and programme partners will showcase the project’s achievements and detail all resources and their intended use. We will also hear from our panel of project experts with a Q&A and interactive activity, followed by networking.

Why attend?

  • Better understand Biodiversity Net Gain requirements and what it means for your organisation and projects
  • Develop knowledge and confidence to take practical action on Biodiversity Net Gain implementation
  • Connect with built environment peers

Who should attend?

This event is open to UKGBC members only. For more information on the benefits of membership, please see this page.

Biodiversity and Environmental Net Gain Project Partners

Our work on Biodiversity Net Gain and Environmental Gain is generously supported by the following organisations.

Event details

Who is this event for?

Interest in climate change mitigation

An event to discover how the built environment can accelerate net zero, and discuss where we are on our journey.
