New dilemmas need new approaches.  As the world strives to meet net zero, regenerative, nature-based, green-financed targets and solutions to the climate emergency, have you ever felt like you were doing it all on your own? It is easy to feel disheartened or overwhelmed – or to blame other countries for what they are or are not doing.  But the reality is that practitioners like you, all over the world are doing incredible things to take us towards net zero carbon and a restorative built environment.  This is the space where we share their learnings and accelerate the change.

By signing up to join our tour around the world you will get to hear first-hand about innovations and breakthroughs, challenges and successes from the people who designed, built, financed and delivered some of the worlds soon-to-be icons.  Each quarter we will have 3 case studies from 3 diverse locations all with a unifying theme.

For the third stop on our tour, we will visit China to explore some of the initiatives helping them to reach their goal of net zero before 2060.  First in the world for country carbon emissions, it is only 47th when assessed per capita.  65% of its energy mix comes from coal but it is also the worlds biggest market for both solar PV and thermal technologies, a sector that is growing exponentially. Increases in income have seen a dramatic shift away from bicycles towards cars over the last 20 years, but China is also the world leader in the deployment of electric buses.

So what’s really going on here? Together we will explore some key case studies to get a glimpse of where the built environment sector in China might be heading. Speakers will be announced in due course.

Who should attend

Professionals looking for new inspiration and to learn from those who have already done it.

Why attend

These sessions will use case studies to bring to life concepts key to creating a sustainable (1.5 degree) world. You will learn from those directly involved in the process, hearing about the challenges and successes and tips for those wanting to follow in their footsteps.

The case studies will be sent 1 week before the session in the form of video presentations and text. The event will involve an in-depth discussion with our panel to address why this example is special, what worked well, what could be done differently next time to improve it, and always with an eye to principles and knowledge that are internationally applicable.

There will be an opportunity to engage with experts and connect with peers to develop your networks. It can sometimes feel like an isolating challenge to be forging towards net zero, but the reality is that practitioners like you, all over the world are doing incredible things to take us towards net zero carbon and a restorative built environment. This is the space where we share their learnings and accelerate the change.


  • Gary Zhao, General Manager, BRE China

Event details

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All are welcome.

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