Leaders Network

Leadership is absolutely critical to UKGBC’s mission to radically improve the sustainability of the built environment, and our Leaders Network consists of like-minded individuals dedicated to driving transformational change across the sector. It is made up of over 100 CEOs and Board Executives from the UKGBC membership who come together on a quarterly basis to learn and network. Through the network, we provide inspiration and share stories and insights about sustainability leadership to instill a collective sense of purpose. We want to create a common vision – that of a built environment that enables people and planet to thrive.
We bring our leaders together to engage in a programme of inspiration, knowledge sharing and networking. Leaders Network events are designed specifically for a senior business audience and attract high calibre speakers from our industry and well beyond. These experiences inspire and challenge in equal measure, providing the Network with the stories, business examples, and insights to take to their business and accelerate positive change. We also proactively identify opportunities for the Leaders Network to engage with the leaders of tomorrow, by providing links to our other leadership initiatives such as Future Leaders and Change Accelerator programmes.
To maintain the impact and accountability of this network to be eligible to join you are required to meet the following criteria:
- A board level leader
- Not delegated to a sustainability lead
AND meet at least one of the following critera:
- From a UKGBC Keystone Member AND/OR UKGBC Member organization who is also a Race to Zero Signatory
- From a UKGBC Member organisation with a turnover over £30m or Assets Under Management over £1bn
- From a UKGBC Member organisation and a graduate from our Recalibrate programme.