Press Release: UKGBC responds to 2017 general election result

The UK Green Building Council (UKGBC) has today responded to the result of the 2017 general election, which has resulted in a hung Parliament.
Julie Hirigoyen, Chief Executive at UK-GBC said:
“Over the coming weeks and months, Parliament must not let power struggles and partisan wranglings obstruct the immediate need for leadership and action on urgent policy imperatives such as housing, clean air, energy prices and the delayed Emissions Reduction Plan. The election campaign has highlighted the importance of these issues to voters alongside Brexit policy.
“The green economy represents one of the best opportunities for long term growth, and this was clearly demonstrated in the recent wave of support for the Paris Agreement. But in these times of political turmoil, businesses need clarity and certainty to invest in a low carbon, internationally competitive economy. Steadfast commitment to tackling climate change is one rare area of agreement between the two main parties, so this political common ground must now be extended to decisive action on domestic carbon emissions reductions.”
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