Health and wellbeing is the world’s biggest social trend and one of the fastest growing markets globally. It is coming to the built environment, thanks, in part, to certifications like The WELL Building Standard and the UKGBC-sponsored Better Places for People campaign. Technology is also driving the issue forward, as the capacity to measure and share information about buildings (and experiences within them) grows exponentially.
As health and wellbeing moves from interesting concept to business imperative, we know that you need concrete, actionable intelligence you can use. This session is designed to impart the best of what we have learned from working closely with early adopting companies.
Speakers include
Richard Francis, The Monomoy Company
The course will cover
- The drivers for health and wellbeing in buildings
- Defining and delivering a healthy environment that works for you
- Strategic lessons from the landmark UKGBC Wellbeing Labs
- Leveraging this agenda in your business and with your people
- Getting out in front: where is this going next, and what should you do?
We will also think critically about how healthy places fit into larger issues such as SMART buildings, the Internet of Things (IoT), big data and building transparency.
Who should attend
This course is meant for decision-makers who are looking for smart, practical advice they can incorporate into their core business offerings today.
Why attend
At the end of the session, you will know what you need to know and have practical information you can use right now to help your clients and colleagues as we encounter an emerging — but growing — demand for healthy buildings.
Get involved
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