Join us for the launch of our new Playbook, designed to support local authorities and partners deliver ambitious sustainability outcomes in large-scale regeneration projects.

Over a six month process UKGBC, together with EIT Climate-KIC, has partnered with Enfield Council to deliver the Foreground programme. The task was to catalyse opportunities that will enable Enfield Council and key stakeholders to deliver the ambitious sustainability strategy for Meridian Water. 

The process has involved collaboration with a wide range of stakeholders – some local and closely embedded within the project, some from much further afield and not directly involved. The common purpose has been an exploration of innovative approaches to the question of how to overcome typical barriers to delivering ambitious sustainability outcomes on schemes such as this. 

This event is designed to share the outputs from discussions that have taken place; to understand how this process has informed the next steps for Meridian Water, and crucially to launch the first edition of a ‘Playbook’ for any local authority and their partners wanting to take a pro-active leadership role in raising the ambition of other major regeneration and development schemes. 

The Playbook explores the three key opportunities that were identified at the beginning of the programme:

  1. How can different investment, delivery, governance and ownership models deliver greater shared value?
  2. How can we evolve procurement to promote holistic long-term decision making?
  3. How can we engage communities and local supply chains to unlock the benefits of Modern Methods of Construction (MMC)?

During the event, we will highlight the key recommendations in each of these areas, hear from our expert panel and invite attendees to add their own comments and ideas to the ‘live’ resource.

Speakers and panellists

  • John Alker, Director of Policy and Places, UKGBC
  • Rafe Bertram, Sustainability Facilitator, Enfield Council
  • Carrie Behar, Associate, Useful Projects
  • Nick James, Director, Futureground
  • Peter George, Meridian Water Programme Director, Enfield Council
  • Sean Lockie, Director, EIT Climate-KIC
  • Jessie Wilde, Deputy Project Director, Bristol Housing Festival

Foreground partners

Foreground supporters

Event details

Open to

All are welcome.

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